B.R. Hicks, PC is a highly respected Fairfax County and Northern Virginia attorney. Prior to starting his law practice, attorney Hicks was a police officer for five years and practiced as a part-time prosecutor for 18 years while maintaining his private practice. This experience has served him well and greatly benefits his clients.

Are You Fighting Serious Criminal Charges?
Protecting Your
Rights Before
Judge And Jury
B.R. Hicks, PC, is a defense law firm that cares about you, your family and your future.
Has A DUI Arrest
Endangered Your
Driving Privileges?
Mr. Hicks explores every possible defense in an effort to prevail in your case.
When The
Traffic Tickets
Start To Pile Up...
Mr. Hicks works hard to defend you in traffic court to help keep your insurance rates from going up.
Speak With
B.R. Hicks,
Free Of Charge
From your initial consultation to the completion of your case, you have attorney Hicks’ undivided attention.
Protecting Your
Rights Before
Judge And Jury
B.R. Hicks, PC, is a defense law firm that cares about you, your family and your future.
Has A DUI Arrest
Endangered Your
Driving Privileges?
Mr. Hicks explores every possible defense in an effort to prevail in your case.
When The
Traffic Tickets
Start To Pile Up...
Mr. Hicks works hard to defend you in traffic court to help keep your insurance rates from going up.
Speak With
B.R. Hicks,
Free Of Charge
From your initial consultation to the completion of your case, you have attorney Hicks’ undivided attention.
Is A Member Of Your Family Accused Of Breaking The Law?
Nothing can divide once-loving relatives like allegations of domestic violence, a serious sex offense or a minor child in trouble with the law. With four decades of experience guiding families and individuals through the legal process, attorney Hicks understands the impact criminal charges can have on your life. He will guide you through the legal system, explaining how the process works and the likely outcome of the different options that lay before you. Mr. Hicks strives to resolve legal issues with a minimum of conflict and stress, so you put these crises behind you.
What Our Clients Say
Has A DUI Stop Or Multiple Traffic Tickets Put Your Driver’s License At Risk?
If you are in danger of having your driver’s license taken away due to an accumulation of points or a drunk driving arrest, attorney Hicks can help you protect your driving privileges. Any traffic arrest that can affect your driving privileges or insurance rates should be challenged. The one-time cost of hiring a DUI or traffic law attorney usually pales in comparison to the long-term cost of increased insurance rates, loss of driving privileges and possible jail time. By hiring B.R. Hicks, PC, you can be assured that your interests will be safeguarded.
Are You Desperate For Someone To Talk To? Someone You Can Trust?
If you or your child are facing criminal charges, you need an experienced, compassionate attorney by your side. Attorney Hicks offers hands-on guidance based on 40 years of experience helping people through the legal system. When you hire B.R. Hicks, PC, you can count on straight talk and a sympathetic ear.
To discuss your legal needs, call B.R. Hicks, PC, at 866-973-3390 or fill out the online contact form to set up a free consultation.