Driving under the influence is a serious offense with severe consequences, and the repercussions become even more stringent when one faces a second DUI charge in Virginia. Understanding the gravity of these consequences is important for individuals to make informed...
What does Virginia law say about cannabis DUI?
As attitudes toward cannabis evolve, so do legal considerations surrounding its use. However, driving under the influence of this substance remains a serious crime in Virginia. Understanding state laws about cannabis DUI can help you navigate the legal landscape for...
The difference between license suspension and revocation
Obtaining and maintaining a driver's license is a fundamental aspect of modern life for many people. However, it is privilege granted through the government, which means they can take it away if you break the law. A common reason for losing a license is driving under...
Diabetes symptoms may look like drunk driving
Type 1 diabetes is a condition that develops when your body can no longer regulate your glucose levels. When diabetic patients experience low blood sugar, their symptoms can mimic drunkenness. If you have diabetes or if you suspect you could be diabetic and feel...
Understanding the punishments for a DUI in Virginia
Driving under the influence is a serious offense in Virginia. It can put lives in danger and comes with severe consequences, which vary depending on the severity of the offense and the offender's history. Consuming alcohol or drugs can affect your ability to operate a...
Overcoming the temptation to drive after you drink
Drinking and driving can have lasting repercussions on your life that harm your relationships and jeopardize your freedom. However, there are things you can do to overcome your past and develop healthier habits. One drunk driving charge does not have to determine the...
Can you refuse to do a field sobriety test?
Understanding one's rights is essential in any police interaction. When it comes to DUI stops in Virginia, knowing whether a person can refuse to participate in a field sobriety test often tops the list of uncertainties. This article helps to explain whether or not a...
How does an ignition interlock device work?
When a Virginia traffic stop leads to a charge of driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence, quite a bit depends on whether that charge leads to a conviction. If it does, you may have to spend up to a year behind bars and pay hefty fines, among other...
When is jail time mandatory after a Virginia DUI?
When a Virginia law enforcement officer stops your car and charges you with driving under the influence, you may have valid concerns about potential penalties if the charge ends with a conviction. Virginia takes drunk driving quite seriously, and you may face a wide...
What happens if a driver refuses a breath test?
Getting pulled to the side of the road by an officer can send the pulse rate of any driver sky-high. If that driver also happens to have consumed any amount of alcohol, that might escalate the fear. The request to take a breath test to measure the alcohol content is...